Delving into the Basics of Linker Chemistries to Enhance ADC Design & Development

Time: 9:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


Given that linkers are such an integral part of ADC design in terms of stability and efficacy, understanding them, their structure, function and how they work to ensure the ADCs success is critical.

This workshop will take you through the basics of likers, leaving you equipped with the knowledge needed to promote ADC stability through the development of hydrophilic linkers.

Join this workshop to:

  • Understand the basic linker chemistries to improve linker design
  • Hone linker design to fit your needs & ensure stable conjugation
  • Assess the role of linkers in the body to reduce unwanted side effects
  • Utilize linkers to maximize the therapeutic window
  • Explore the linkers effect on biophysical properties of the ADC to further understand ADC efficacy
